M1835 Sidearm for non-com officers
The picture shows the M1791, the M1788, the M1801 and the Kongsberg M1828 hirschfängers. In the early 1830 use as these for bayonets was discontinued and in 1835 it was decided that all the hirschfängers were to be used as sidearms for under-officers (here my English stinks, but how’s you Norwegian?).
The hirschfängers had seen a lot of wear and tears over the 30-40 years they had been in use and were regularly taking in to Kongsberg for refurbishing. Danish blades were exchanged for sturdier Norwegian blades with ricasso (see picture to the left). From 1828 the grips were fitted with a brass plate, as this was less expensive than the brass threads. The hirschfänger to the left is an “all Norwegian” version. Even the neck piece is made as Kongsberg.