Danish/Norwegian swords 1700-1814
I have not been able to find any pattern in “who got what” in regards to arms for the military before the year 1700. There might have been, just that I, due to my incompetence, have not been able to see it. Swords were mainly imported from producers in south/eastern Germany, some were made in Denmark and next to none in Norway, I believe.
During the 1700, increasingly more of this production was moved to Denmark and by 1750 most of the production was domestic. Norway got just about all its swords from Denmark until 1814.
The M1787 skiløpersabel is one of the very few swords that probably was made in Norway. Interesting enough, it did not even exist at museums in Denmark before a sample was given from Hovedarsenalet in Norway.
The infantry saber with the probable dating 1807 (shown together with the M1753) was also most likely made in Norway.
On the picture to the left, there are eight of the hirshfängers; from the lower left: two M1801 bajonets, a Danish socalled M1788, a Norvegian Kongsberg M1821, then three more of the M1788 and lastly on the lower right a M1791 that has been a M1750 dragonpallask. The vertical hanging broadsword in scabbard is the M1773 dragonpallask. From the bottom left is a M1750 dragonpallask, then a M1750/26 (the M1750 grip on a M1726 blade – only used in Norway), the M1785 dragonpallask with the beautifull Kalmar Union badge with the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish coat of arms. From the top on the right side, M1740 with a C6 blade, the lighter and somewhat cut down version M1789 of the M1773 and finally the shortened version from 1815 of the M1750 dragonpallask.